CATS Learning Center Preschool and Daycare

Who are we?

Approaches to Learning

We believe that early education is when children learn critical social and emotional skills and a partnership is formed between the child, their parents and the teacher. At CATS, our highly qualified teaching team works alongside children to enhance learning. Our world class curriculum and program provides for a variety of experiences and learning opportunities for children to engage in both individual and social play.

The CATS learning process focuses on every individual child, their learning patterns and goes beyond traditional methods to promote independence, curiosity, decision-making, persistence, creativity, problem solving and lots more.

What is special about centre

Vision & Mission Statements

  • Our Mission

    To inculcate a love for learning

  • Our Vision

    To provide a nurturing and secure educational setting.

  • Philosophy

    To promote greater independence, social competence and self fulfillment.

About Our Founder

Mrs. Shraddha Shah Raikar, also fondly known as Miss Shraddha, is the Founder of CATS Learning Centre and the Principal of CATS Pre-School bringing with her a rich educational experience of almost two decades. She has taught at schools across a variety of boards including ICSE, SSC, IB and in different capacities such as teacher, curriculum developer, teacher trainer, school consultant and a child counsellor.
Miss Shraddha is a passionate educator, a loving mother and a devoted wife!

Mrs. Shraddha Shah Raikar


I believe that ‘individualized approach’ and ‘holistic learning’ are the two mantras for success. Remember, today’s children are tomorrow’s future. A very promising and competitive future. A future where didactic knowledge is replaced by bots, human intelligence is competing with artificial intelligence. Lets gear them for tomorrow’s world!